There was a briefing session

07/04/2019-1 minute read

Yesterday, a vocational school teacher came to the school and gave me a briefing session for going on to higher education. Thank you 😉😉😉
Recently, everyone is actively participating in the information session for going on to higher education! ️‼ ️Everyone who listened to the story was seriously interested in it ✨✨✨
I want you to do your best as the examination will start from now on 😆😆
Yesterday vocational school teacher came to school n held an Admission Guidance Fair 🗒. Cuz early exam will start soon, so recently everyone participate event positively and listen absorbed. Just keep going and prepare all welll, good luck 📝 📓 !!
Last year, the opening of the old teacher's school, the landlord's school, and the recent activity of the landlord, 呢 👍🏻, 倞 et al.Re-existence entrance examination, application required start, landlord required good preparation refueling 囉 💛!
Hôm qua người đại diện của trường senmon đã đến trường giới thiệu về việc học lên. Gần đây học sinh của trường chúng ta tích cực tham gia hội thảo giới thiệu về một số trường học lên! ️‼ ️ Từ giờ trở đi kỳ thi cũng bắt đầu các em học sinh hãy cố gắng lên 😆😆
By Shinjuku Gyoen Gakuin.