School Report | School Report April April 4 Graduation ceremony

04/03/2019-1 minute read

March 2019 school report!
We finished our graduation ceremony successfully and congratulations to all🎓!! This time, students get very close and talkative people also lots.At the graduation, everyone's speech made us very impressed and moved😭.We wish you all Japanese will become more better n better! Hope in the future, when you remember us, come to visit at any time😍.

Blessed liturgy, Shiny Kyoki landlord, Beddy pleasure🥳! 次 次 的 学家 們 大家 感 大都 很好 、 快 歡 的 話 的 孩子 也 很多, 畢 畢 典 典 表 每 每 每 每 每 們 們 們 印象 們 印象 印象 印象😢, Beyond the blessing, we ’ll go over the city! Shinjuku Gyoen Gakuin after a request😉!

Chúc mừng lễ tốt ng hiệp ngày 5 tháng 3 năm 2019 của học sinh năm thứ 2㊗️🎉🎉Thật ấn tượng thật cảm động với lời phát biểu của từng em học sinh ởbuổi lễ tốt nghiệp. Hi vọng tiếng nhật của mọi người sẽ ngày càng tốh! ️! ️Và đôi khi hãy n hớ đến Shinjuku Gyoen Gakuin và hãy về thăm trường❤️

The graduation ceremony for the second grader was successfully completed.㊗️Congratulations to all of you for graduation🎉🎉🎉
The graduates of this time are really good friends, and they are good at talking. It was very impressive that each of the speeches at `` Soshikoshiki '' was thinking and speaking properly, and I was very impressed.😊I hope that my Japanese will improve even more in the future.! ️! ️And from time to time, please come to Shinjuku Gyoen Gakuin and come to play❤️

The photos are also on facebook!Please take a look 😊

2019-03-05 Graduation ceremony (first half)

2019-03-05 Graduation ceremony (second half)

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